We are very excited to see God’s hand in the growth that we’ve experienced, as well as the lives that have changed at Access Ministry! We have enjoyed meeting and developing relationships with many people over the years. Right now, we are on the verge of some exciting advances that could truly open the door to increasing our own sustainability, creating jobs within our community, as well as much needed housing for those who are truly desiring to come up and out. Our sights have been set on purchasing the Unclaimed Freight building, in order to continue in sharing the Gospel and learning to live it out in the process of discipleship, create safe housing (substance and abuse free), teaching and training in faith and skills for daily living, financial training/budgeting, as well as creating jobs for those who are ready to take that next step in their walk with the Lord.

The following new projects will be taking place at the existing ministry space:

The Youth Area in the Basement: This will be a space for games, teaching, praying, music and building safe and healthy relationships, right in the heart of the city. This will be a draw within walking distance and beyond, for those who may or may not have a strong home life. It is amazing how many kids we meet that do not know anything about Christ or bible stories or even the kids who want to come to church, but maybe their parents don’t. The point is to make our space available to them and bring strong balances of faith, love, teaching, and training in how to walk as Christ walked, even at a young age.

The Exodus to Christ Museum – Not just a space in time, but a crossing over from death to LIFE:
This Museum will be taking people from Creation to Christ, all the way in to revealing the prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled. Consider it a way to teach people what to look for and see how the Old and New Testament, Jesus and following Him are still very relevant today! Included in the museum, we would like to host special speakers, children’s events, and more. The Exodus to Christ will be set as a free-will offering establishment (TBD). I believe this will be a great place for tourists, church groups of all ages, but especially  Sunday school or youth groups, or school groups in general, etc. This will be yet another building block for the Watertown community and beyond!

The next additions will be fulfilled on the Unclaimed Freight side:

The Flame Outlet: This is an idea of having faith-based vendors rent space in order to sell goods. The amount they pay per month will aid in ministry expenses, as well as the growth of The Exodus to Christ Museum. This will give people more options to buy goods from local vendors, thus expanding productivity within Watertown and the surrounding area. This outlet store will also create paid employment positions. At this time, we are praying for the direction of The Flame Outlet store.

The Son Rise Café: This café will be a fully functioning restaurant, serving breakfast to our community. This will create 4-5 paid positions for building skills and earning   paychecks! This restaurant will be open from 6 am to 11 am (TBD). We are also looking to serve ice cream, pies, cookies! We would love this space to be filled with people having conversations while enjoying great food; connecting people by strengthening community and also serving those who are simply passing through our thriving city! A percentage of all profits will go back into Access Ministry, to aid in daily business, as well as increasing our ability to provide for those in need.

Upright Films: Upright Films will potentially be open Thursdays and Saturdays (TBD), playing clean, faith-based films at a lower price, in order to serve all in the community who enjoy watching films without the occasional unseemly scenes or language. We will also be serving popcorn, candies, cookies and beverages! This will create several employment opportunities for people who need the work and have a passion to serve! Upright Films will generate profits where, again, a percentage will go back in to Access Ministry to aid in paying for the building, utilities, and helping others in need. We are currently obtaining a license in order to legally play films to the public.



The Storehouse: The Storehouse is currently in our existing space, but upon obtaining the Unclaimed Freight building, it will be moved to the Unclaimed Freight side. This will afford us much needed increased space, a loading dock, as well as a freight elevator. This is where we will continue to put out clothing, furniture, appliances, bikes, etc. for all ages. We do not charge for Storehouse items, we bless others who have need!



Stage one: We are currently working with an architect, as well as our ministry attorney in order to fulfill legalities and expectations for creating tiny apartments / sleeping rooms. These rooms will be for those who have great desire for life change and a heart to follow the Lord, but need a safe place to live to get away from “old playmates and playgrounds” that may hinder their ability to come up and out. These living spaces will be free to those who are new to life change. There will be no charge, but they will be required to take part in The “Good News” Hour, lunch and fellowship, and eventually volunteering in the Storehouse and/or The Son Rise Café. Our goal is to have them nurture their own, individual  walk in the Lord.

Stage two: The Neos Home. This home is where they will live temporarily, work and pay rent (the rent will be affordable in order to get a strong baseline before going out on their own). The whole idea is to draw a line in the sand, build foundation of Christ and as they grow, come up and be sent out to a new life in Christ that is strong and independent.

Alethia Place: Alethia is “a place of hearing the Truth,” in the Greek language. Our Mission Statement is, “Encouraging all to seek God’s truths through His Word and prayer for a better understanding of His Way and Life through Jesus.” Each weekday morning, we learn and discuss the scriptures and how it is relevant to our everyday lives. Our goal is to propel the modern day, American church, from being just a hobby, or a cultural duty, into a genuinely deeper walk in the Lord! The Alethia Place opens up every morning at 9 a.m. and all are welcome to come in for coffee and some fellowship. For those who come in consistently, the Alethia Place has become family, as well as a safe place to sharpen one another on the truths of God’s Word. When the “Good News” Hour is finished, we offer a free lunch Monday through Friday. This is more than just a meal, but an opportunity to minister and develop relationships with others around the dinner table.